
Institute for Political, Social and Economic Studies (EURISPES)

EURISPES is a private agency working in Italy since 1982 in the political, economic and social research field. In more than 35 years of activity the Institute has consolidated a leader position in the research system in Italy, becoming one of the most influential agencies of cultural reference for the institutional, political, economic and media world, and a body with a verified credibility in the activity of the formation of public opinion, as also those interested in analysis and comprehension of social economic and political dynamics in Italy. Multiple research and information produced on themes with great social relevance, as also the production since 1989 of the Italy Report, have animated the social economic and political debate and, on many occasions, orientated the Legislator’s activity itself. EURISPES in thirty years of activity has carried out 900 research activities. Media coverage of the Institute and its activities comprises over 150.000 articles and publications, including national and international radio and TV broadcasts. Through an institutional kind of research, the Institute contributed to make some hidden or unknown social phenomena emerge, carrying out a real operation of “social scouting” that gave birth to a production of data and information, widely employed by political and economic decision makers for their activity of directing and governing economy society and amplified by the mass media at a national and international levels. The role that interprets the Italian reality is also strengthened by the tight relation with the international scientific community that is continuously improved by a constant exchange of information and experiences and by close cooperation for the organization of seminars, meetings, editorial events, debates and conferences.

Section “Communication Management in Politics and Business” (SCMPB)

SCMPB at the Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) was established in September 2009 at the 7th Convention of CEEISA at Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia. Since then at CEEISA international conferences at Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey in 2011; Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland in 2012; Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania in 2014; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2016 CMPB section organized 18 panels with over 80 participants from seven countries. Still now it is an only permanent section in the framework of CEEISA. The papers presented at these conferences were published in different countries and found an interest in the academic community and that was not accidental. In the recent years, a shift towards further integration of communications has clearly manifested itself in business and politics. Today, a gradual and not always evident (but none the less obvious) process of formation of a new independent branch of special management – communication management (CM) – is going on at the level of transnational corporations and national governments. The researchers of the section assume that communication management (CM) is above all the professional target groups’ management by means of communications. CM can be auxiliary to administrative, financial and other resources of management. On the other hand it can serve as the main power of management. CM gives new opportunities to influence on politics and the economy and to build the long-term stable mutually beneficial relations between the different political and social groups or on the other countries’ governments. But CM is also more or less successfully being used by corrupted and militarist elements of state machinery, fascist organizations, terrorist groups etc. There is a necessity to research the new opportunities and the new threats that CM usage gives to contemporary states and civil organizations in Central and Eastern Europe.